Mustard Art Update

 It took me a while to figure out the best setting for the mini projector area, but it was easy once I understood how this works. As you can see. It required some support, so I used two adjustable yellow poles, a transversal bar, and a foldable camera arm to mount the Kodak projector. 

The projection quality is just amazing for such a small projection device, no doubt this will move my art projects forward by a lot.

The traced image is shown, so now all I need to work on is coloring. 

I still haven't received my markers airbrush, so this piece will be completed with a mix of regular markers and probably colored pencils.

Buying More Stuff and BD Gifts

 I started running out of space for my art supplies and other objects on my desks and working table, so I had to buy a large desk rack, but it has yet to arrive. 

I have received these two marker/pencil racks. Assembly was fun, but they are sturdy and will hold lots of my pencils and markers.

I have also received a tiny Kodak projector to help me project my photos onto paper for tracing. Of course, shading, adding volume, color, and highlights has no shortcuts, and I have to do it the way it is.

Another thing I ordered, is an extra quiet airbrush compressor. Also, I'm waiting for a specialized marker airbrush with mounts for all sizes of markers. I'm going to do some airbrushing effects.

Today, November 13th is my BD. One of my daughters gifted me new art materials from the Target store.

This is what's going on

 My regular job takes up most of my day, so the little time I have left—some of it—is dedicated to producing art. I devised a strategy to step up production, maintain high quality and originality in my style, and bring the price of the art pieces down a little. 

I'm a serious classic artist, but I fully embrace technology and necessary logistics within a narrow time frame. That's why I purchased a Kodak mini projector and from now on, I will completely skip the hardest part —drawing.— So I will just take the pictures and trace them. End of story. Of course, it does require a higher level of skill to paint realistic art, but with color, shadow, and volume, you just can't walk around. That's what makes a good illustrator or an artist. 

The piece I'm working next is, indirectly, related to my favorite Bible passage. I can't draw mustard seeds, but I came up with the idea of putting a full Texas mustard bottle as an allegory. I was born Catholic, I do read the Bible and I believe my art idea does not address the passage in a disrespectful way. I'm doing this with confidence, emotionally, and with clear consciousness of what inspired this idea.

Now, I do pick food as my subject a lot, as you have seen in the photography tab as well. I have professional studies in video production and art, so what I do is serious, and I aim to produce art seriously.

I walked through some Walmart isles and picked up some commercial brands of pencil colors and some interesting markers, joining other markers I already had. I hope I can keep delivering good results with more inexpensive art supplies.


New Drawing Sketch Pads

 The pastel paper I'm working on, in my previous pieces, is highly texturized. An ideal medium for several layers of pastel pencils. Graphite pencils work well on this paper, but not perfectly well. 

I had to buy these thick, 11 x 14 extra pads to expand my art range. The yellow ones, from Strathmore, are for dry media, such as pencil or charcoal, and have medium texture. The other ones, U.S. Art Supply, are made for mixed media, such as pens, markers, ink, and graphite. I have plenty of color markers, so I might try some too.

Hands and Limes

I recently mentioned my vote preferences for Democrats and Kamala Harris, so I must close that circle now and comment about the election results favoring Trump. I accept the results because they look absolutely legit. He won very clearly. 

I hope everything will work for our country and wish Trump great success managing our country for the good of all. 

Kamala fought hard. She was caught by surprise and had a very short time to prepare, nevertheless, she did great. Thank you Kamala for representing us. Peace and love for all.

Now, regarding the current piece I'm working on, I feel adding more, such as a background color might ruin the composition. It looks dramatic enough right now. I will sign, spray coat, and be done. 

Hands and two limes

 I'm about to complete this piece, and I was right. I needed to add more detail to the hands, as the two limes wouldn't be strong enough elements. It's looking good so far.

Hand and Limes

I'm using a different approach for this one. I wanted to do two uncut limes, but I had to add more detail to the hands to balance out the lime size, shape, and visual impact. I'm using a white Conté crayon, a Graphite 2.0 mechanical pencil, and a 14B sketch pencil.

New Mechanical Pencil Set

 I purchased another set of mechanical pencils. The older set won't load graphite properly, and two got stuck on the tip. This new set is partly metallic and feels sturdier, so it will work better. I'm planning to do a few pencil-only drawings for the current project I'm working on. It took me some time to pick a set. There are so many options available everywhere. I was thinking of an affordable set with good reviews. This set met all checkmarks. Time will tell.

Four Mushrooms

I've finally completed the mushroom painting. This took me longer than anticipated because of several obstacles and distractions during the past week. 

Right now, talking about mushrooms, I'm following a strict keto diet. So far, I have lost 23 pounds. I started this about two months ago, and that was fast. I'm still aiming at 22 more pounds. Once I'm done, I will maintain the same keto discipline to avoid rebounding. Thankfully, they are making keto tortillas and sliced bread. That makes it so easy.

The four mushrooms are a good amount to include in any meal. It always depends on how you cook them; for breakfast, I prefer mushrooms with eggs and chorizo, or with chopped garlic and soy sauce for supper or dinner and sometimes adding shrimp.

I Voted

Early vote. Of course, I support and voted for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. President Harris and Vice President Walz.