My regular job takes up most of my day, so the little time I have left—some of it—is dedicated to producing art. I devised a strategy to step up production, maintain high quality and originality in my style, and bring the price of the art pieces down a little.
I'm a serious classic artist, but I fully embrace technology and necessary logistics within a narrow time frame. That's why I purchased a Kodak mini projector and from now on, I will completely skip the hardest part —drawing.— So I will just take the pictures and trace them. End of story. Of course, it does require a higher level of skill to paint realistic art, but with color, shadow, and volume, you just can't walk around. That's what makes a good illustrator or an artist.
The piece I'm working next is, indirectly, related to my favorite Bible passage. I can't draw mustard seeds, but I came up with the idea of putting a full Texas mustard bottle as an allegory. I was born Catholic, I do read the Bible and I believe my art idea does not address the passage in a disrespectful way. I'm doing this with confidence, emotionally, and with clear consciousness of what inspired this idea.
Now, I do pick food as my subject a lot, as you have seen in the photography tab as well. I have professional studies in video production and art, so what I do is serious, and I aim to produce art seriously.I walked through some Walmart isles and picked up some commercial brands of pencil colors and some interesting markers, joining other markers I already had. I hope I can keep delivering good results with more inexpensive art supplies.